Threat Hunting
with AI powered prediction templates
Do you agree?

Perimeter defense and alert-driven strategies cannot withstand attackers' latest stealth technologies. Cyber defense is a never-ending arms race to find emerging and unknown threats.

Plenty of narrow point solutions provide a myopic perspective on security events and leave humans alone to piece a holistic picture together.

We have almost accepted that adversaries with a seemingly endless supply of attack vectors will infiltrate even the best defended networks.

Does your arsenal look like this?
Known knowns
Known unknowns
Unknown unknowns
Sample: Network anomalies

You are a security analyst and you monitor your network traffic in real-time, but need to identify malicious network traffic and automatically detect suspicious anomalies.

Search the template market for a network profiler that supports your favorite network monitoring platform. Pick an anomaly detector to reduce your huge amount of data to traffic anomalies.

Select a threat intelligence feed to remove legit traffic from your anomalies, and choose our anomaly graph as your data destination.

Customize your selected template(s) to your individual needs and arrange them into a data workflow. Predictive Works. supports you with a code-free visual editor.

Connect your customized template(s) to your favorite network monitoring platform.

Feed Predictive Works. foresight fabric with your customized template(s). Templates are transformed into big data applications automatically, and your desired foresights are generated.

Connect to your selected data destination. Then, you are ready to explore your network traffic anomalies and hunt for indicators of an advanced attack.

Security Operations & Analytics

We all know, that there is no silver bullet, but consolidating our fight against cyber threats is of high priority. Security Operations & Analytics Platform Architecture (SOAPA) is a strong indicator that things are improving already.

We offer a fine-grained approach for SOAPA. AI-powered prediction templates provide the ability to see ahead and the agility to change tactics to keep pace with cyber threats.

Threat hunting remains ambitious and we do not claim that our templates replace security experts. Revealing all elements of an advanced attack still requires human expertise.

But templates, running at scale, significantly simplify work and make hunting more attainable for all business.

Take the next step
You want to master your business decisions with data foresights?
You are convinced that your data expertise remains insufficient?
You believe predictive analytics exceeds your project budget?